Exploring Self, Guided by Books
Do you read transformational books and wish you had a format or group to share your insights with, to dig a little deeper into meanings, to explore views that weren’t part of your initial inclination, or to just create juicy and thoughtful conversation? Well, you’ve arrived.
You are invited to join Exploring Self, Guided by Books, a gathering centered around books that inspire you to awaken your best self. We meet every other Friday to discuss a selected book, share our personal exploration of the teachings provided, and create a community of like-mind. The books will focus on heart-centered practices, often times from Buddhist teachers, always inspirational.
You are invited to join Exploring Self, Guided by Books, a gathering centered around books that inspire you to awaken your best self. We meet every other Friday to discuss a selected book, share our personal exploration of the teachings provided, and create a community of like-mind. The books will focus on heart-centered practices, often times from Buddhist teachers, always inspirational.
Falling Into Grace, Insights on the End of Suffering by Adyashanti LOOK FOR GATHERING DATE IN SEPTEMBER 2017
Adyashanti asks us to let go of our struggles with life and open to the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and the discovery of our essential being. In his fifteen years as a spiritual teacher, he has found that the simpler the teaching, the greater its power to change our lives. In Falling into Grace, Adyashanti shares what he considers fundamental insights that will "spark a revolution in the way we perceive life," through a progressive inquiry exploring:
Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. His books include Emptiness Dancing, The End of Your World, True Meditation, The Way of Liberation, and Falling into Grace. For more information, please visit adyashanti.org. Easy Dana / Donation
Exploring Self, Guided by Books energy exchange (suggested $10-15 per gathering), all gratefully received.