Heart Mapping®: A New Door for Decision Making
We make 1,000’s of decisions every day (some say 35,000), from nominal items like what color socks to wear or how many grapes to pack in the lunchbox to impactful and complex issues like business priorities and the timing of delicate conversations. And let's not forget about the 226.7 decisions made every day just about food (according to a study at Cornell University). Wowza. That's a lot of decisions! By the end of the day, you probably experience Decision Fatigue, so tired from all the decisions you’ve made that all sense goes out the window.
So how do you make decisions and decide which are the right ones? What circumstances lead to better decisions being made versus those that are laden with regret? How much time and energy do you spend worrying or swapping stories of success with failure in your mind? What fall-out do you, your family, or your business team experience for decisions that were made in a rush or under pressure? Decisions, while not always final, can be costly - both professionally and personally.
Some common challenges:
So how do you make decisions and decide which are the right ones? What circumstances lead to better decisions being made versus those that are laden with regret? How much time and energy do you spend worrying or swapping stories of success with failure in your mind? What fall-out do you, your family, or your business team experience for decisions that were made in a rush or under pressure? Decisions, while not always final, can be costly - both professionally and personally.
Some common challenges:
- Taking too much input from external sources… as if others know better than you do about your own situation.
- You have a history of making poor decisions so there’s a good amount of fear around decisioning making. You may feel frozen and then not decide at all, neglecting your options and giving decision-making over to others or circumstances.
- Feeling so much pressure, busyness, stress, or anxiety in the moment that your higher brain functions aren’t available… you’re too busy fighting the invisible lion or tiger.
- Accepting the default choice of what’s been done before… even though that situation is not really the same.
- Experiencing decision fatigue and agreeing with what’s easiest to “just get it over with”.
- Feeling rushed with so many other things competing for your time and attention.
- Not anticipating the unexpected or thinking outside the box for potential influencers and elements that might be at play.
- You’ve fallen out of alignment with what’s true for you... or aren’t even really sure what that is anymore.
What if you could stay energized and present with your decision-making, where answers weren’t a product
of pressure or “should’s” but instead related to a larger scope of information that reaches beyond your head,
one that is connected to your truthful source of vital information, one that speaks to ALL of you?
of pressure or “should’s” but instead related to a larger scope of information that reaches beyond your head,
one that is connected to your truthful source of vital information, one that speaks to ALL of you?
I’m inviting you to experience a whole new way of making decisions, one that is fun
and will remove hesitation and doubt, will connect you more deeply to your authentic desires,
will give you clarity and confidence, and will add creativity to solutions.
and will remove hesitation and doubt, will connect you more deeply to your authentic desires,
will give you clarity and confidence, and will add creativity to solutions.
Questions? Comments? Feel free to reach out to me. And by the way, this is a super workshop to bring to your organization as well so connect with me on making that possible.
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc