Aren’t your days just super when you tackle your priorities, changes to a project don’t throw you off course, conversations with colleagues flow and inspiring, you get to the gym or out for that run, and you’re happy to go home and hang out with your family? At the end of the day, you feel accomplished, content, and GO TO BED WITH A SMILE.
Yes, these days are super. You could even call them masterpiece days. I know I love them. Masterpiece days might seem like a fluke but, really, you can have them pretty often. “What?! No way!” Yes, believe me, they are possible… and probable… when you take care of the Forever Fundies. |
Masterpiece days are made up of little pieces that, put together, create a foundation of energy, vitality, and presence that keep you inspired and feeling good. You have what it takes to do what you want to do without caffeine or artificials pumping you along. By taking care of the basics - the fundamentals that support your body and thus mind - you have the capacity and mindset to be your BEST SELF much more of the time.
Join this 4 part series (any or all) to start making small changes that will activate your energy and vitality to SO much more. This isn’t about going big and changing your whole life. It’s about integrating and making what’s possible for you real, or at least trying them on and seeing what shifts. Everyone is different and has different needs and styles. I’m not here to tell you what to do but instead to offer some ways that science and experience have shown. You’re your own best scientist. :)
I’m here to help you close the gap between what you really want and how things actually are. Forever Fundies is a perfect fit if you:
Join this 4 part series (any or all) to start making small changes that will activate your energy and vitality to SO much more. This isn’t about going big and changing your whole life. It’s about integrating and making what’s possible for you real, or at least trying them on and seeing what shifts. Everyone is different and has different needs and styles. I’m not here to tell you what to do but instead to offer some ways that science and experience have shown. You’re your own best scientist. :)
I’m here to help you close the gap between what you really want and how things actually are. Forever Fundies is a perfect fit if you:
- Have been feeling stuck or stagnated in your body or mind.
- Often feel agitated or frustrated for no apparent reason.
- Difficulty concentrating on one thing or for a long period of time.
- You wake up tired or take something to help you go to sleep.
- 2:00pm comes around and all you want is a nap… you reach for coffee or chocolate.
- Subtle aches and pains are becoming more prevalent.
- Things are “good” but you’d love to explore what “great” feels and looks like.
I’m fully confident and know how vital the Forever Fundies are to optimal health and well-being (I’m my own best scientist). It’s super important that people have access to this goodness. On that note, I’ve made the workshop cost an open choice. Make your selection as the series unfolds and you delve into each one. Register with payment. |
Use the drop down arrow to choose workshop price
1st Saturday of every month, 10:00 - 11:30am, Concord, NH
March 7 - Sleep
A good night's sleep starts the moment you wake up. How do electronics impact your sleep and brain function?
Are your kids the only ones to have a regular bedtime? How to make your bedroom, and your body, a sleep sanctuary.
April 4 - Move
Do you exercise and workout but then sit all day? What quiet rhythms are alive and active behind the scenes that
support (or detract) from energy management? How can movement be fun and engaging?
May 2 - Eat
Food as energy: Clean versus Dirty. Inflammations are everywhere. Letting the belly rest and still feeling satisfied.
The role emotions play in the eating cycle.
June 6 - Breathe and Be
Breath is the giver and regulator of life. How to have it give you what you need, including good decision-making.
Creating space for reflection and personal peace.
1st Saturday of every month, 10:00 - 11:30am, Concord, NH
March 7 - Sleep
A good night's sleep starts the moment you wake up. How do electronics impact your sleep and brain function?
Are your kids the only ones to have a regular bedtime? How to make your bedroom, and your body, a sleep sanctuary.
April 4 - Move
Do you exercise and workout but then sit all day? What quiet rhythms are alive and active behind the scenes that
support (or detract) from energy management? How can movement be fun and engaging?
May 2 - Eat
Food as energy: Clean versus Dirty. Inflammations are everywhere. Letting the belly rest and still feeling satisfied.
The role emotions play in the eating cycle.
June 6 - Breathe and Be
Breath is the giver and regulator of life. How to have it give you what you need, including good decision-making.
Creating space for reflection and personal peace.
Note that, while all four of the Forever Fundies are intimately connected, every workshop is a stand-alone and you’ll get a lot out of each one.
As an added BONUS, one person from each workshop will receive a complimentary 30 minute coaching session with me… a super way to go deeper or tweak the work we’ll be doing together.